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Operations and Maintenance

We understand how important timely support and access to O&M manuals are to you. To make it as seamless as possible, Opti offers manuals and guidance documents directly on our website. Simply click the link below to download the relevant manual or document. The PDF will open in a new window for you to save. Please allow a moment for the download to complete, as some files may be large.

This section will continue to evolve and expand. We encourage you to revisit this resource section regularly for updates. Your comments, feedback on existing documents, and suggestions for additional resources are greatly appreciated. Opti support will be provided by phone at 1-844-678-4782 extension 2 or via email at As part of Opti support, Opti will provide an initial response to any support inquiry within one (1) business day. Opti's regular support hours are 9 am to 5 pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday.

O&M Manuals

  • Continuous Monitoring and Adaptive Control (CMAC)
  • Monitoring

O&M Inspection Resources

O&M Maintenance Guides

CMAC and Monitoring Installation Guides